Paris Descartes University opens registration for its DU FLaViC diploma


Paris Descartes University

The University Diploma in French as a Foreign Language and Culture is offered to people with migrant status (refugees, asylum seekers, and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection).

What are the objectives of this diploma?

  • To train students in French as a Foreign Language (FLE) by enabling them to acquire the B2 level of the CEFRL in the French language.
  • Develop multicultural teamwork skills
  • Getting your bearings in the French economic, legal and social environment
  • Obtain assistance for integration either at university or in the job market

How are the studies organized?

This course takes place at the IUT of Paris and includes 16 weeks (14 weeks of courses and 2 weeks of seminars), from October to February, on a rhythm of 4 days per week, from Monday to Thursday included.

What is the content of the course?

The 350 hours of DU FLaViC are distributed as follows:

  • 140h French as a foreign language for professional purposes, broken down into 70 hours of oral comprehension and expression and 70 hours of written comprehension and expression.
  • 50h French economic, legal, and social context.
  • 60h Project of communication techniques through theater (to encourage public speaking)
  • 40h Socio-cultural project linked to the associative world’s discovery (survey of structures, field visits…)
  • 30h Seminars of collective and inter-cultural activities.
  • PPUP (Projet Personnel Universitaire et Professionnel/”Personal and Professional University Project”), i.e., assistance in orientation for further studies (10h) and personalized and individual follow-up for assistance in disciplinary academic integration (20h per student with a teacher of the discipline chosen for further studies).

How to apply?

The application is made directly online on the eCandidate platform.

Please note that registration is open until June 12, 2020.

For any information request, please send your questions to the following addresses:

You can make your registration by watching our video.