Study Psychology in France

Written and prepared by Naya Tarabichi

Psychology is a broad branch of the human and social sciences that can be applied to many areas of our lives.

If you would like to deepen your knowledge of the human mind, better understand the complexity of being, learn to analyze human contacts, and observe social interactions, this discipline is probably for you.

To access the first degree, you must have a Bac S, L, or ES level. Some people think that this is a literary sector, which is not true. However, it is advisable to have good synthesis and analysis skills as well as good knowledge of scientific subjects (math, biology, etc…).

What you will learn with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology:

Clinical Psychology /Psychopathology /Social Psychology /Cognitive Psychology /Developmental Psychology /Neuropsychology/Research Methods /Psychophysiology, Statistics, English …

5 universities in France have departments that include Psychology:

  • Paris Descartes (Paris 5): A very general education, they teach all the sub-disciplines without a specific specialization, which allows you to explore the fields of psychology before specializing in a Master’s degree.
  • Paris Diderot (Paris 7): This training is very focused on psychoanalysis and psychopathology.
  • Nanterre (Paris 10): a fairly broad bachelor’s degree, you can discover all the branches. In L3 (third year), there is a choice of specialization to be made.
  • Vincennes Seine-Saint-Denis (Paris 8): You can learn a bit in all fields, especially neuropsychology and cognitive psychology. This faculty also has a distance-learning psychology course.
  • Villetaneuse (Paris 13): You can also learn a little in all fields, but it is a degree focused on psychoanalysis. In L3, there is a choice of pre-specialization to be made among the courses offered.

NB: In L3 of psychology, there is a mandatory mini internship of observation.

After a degree in psychology?

During a Bachelor’s degree in psychology, you will learn robust methodological bases and tools to serve you in different fields.

You can orient yourself towards other studies: psychomotricity, art therapy, social work, HR, marketing, personal development professions, artistic professions, etc…


You can become a psychologist:

The state regulates the title of psychologist. To obtain it, you must have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, followed by a master’s degree in psychology which requires writing a research paper and completing an internship of at least 500 hours.

Because the number of places is limited in the Masters of Psychology Program (between 20 and 100 places per course depending on the university’s capacity), there is a strong selection for access to the M1.

This selection is based on the study of a file built from :


-Motivation letter/Cover letter

-Research project

-Professional project

-and more…

It is important to know that there are no clear criteria for selection, it depends on each faculty. Nevertheless, one thing is necessary: the coherence of the file. In fact, it is not only the grades or the education that counts but also the experiences made outside the faculty. The student’s previous career path, professional project, and research project must align with the course they aim for.

So if you want to become a psychologist, it is advisable during your degree to: create a network, attend seminars and conferences, do volunteer work, do civic service, etc…

NB :

-For the construction of the research project, observe the research already done in the faculties you are targeting and adapt your research projects to it.

-It is advisable to send your application anywhere in France and apply for as many master’s programs as possible.

– Sometimes, people try for several years before being accepted into a faculty.

– Some courses are more in demand by students than others, so there may be fewer places, for example, in clinical psychology.

– Regardless of the master’s degree you do, what matters for your career are the internships you do, your research paper, and your network.

After the master’s degree:

You can register for your thesis or start working in the field.

Generally, psychologists have two part-time work contracts in two different institutions.

This profession is not rigid, and you can completely orient yourself towards other approaches than those of your original degree by doing training programs, DUs, etc…

If you like this job, hang in there because you won’t be disappointed, and good luck!


Link to the degree at Paris 5 here

 Link to the degree at Paris 8 here

 Link to the degree at Paris 10 here