A.I.L.E., ASSISTANCE IN SETTLING INTO STUDENT HOUSING – Financial aid and housing assistance

The City of Paris has set up the “Aide à l’Installation dans un Logement pour les Étudiants” (A.I.L.E. – Financial help for student housing), a grant of 900 euros for the first installation in private housing. This assistance, managed by the Crous de Paris, is open to scholarship students enrolled in the Paris, Créteil, and Versailles Academies living in Paris.

The A.I.L.E: is 900€.

To support scholarship students who cannot gain access to a student social residence and must find an apartment in the private park, the City of Paris offers a grant of 900 euros. It allows students to cover the costs inherent to their installation, such as purchasing household appliances, furniture, etc.


To benefit from the A.I.L.E., students must be (cumulative conditions):

– Scholarship holders based on social criteria or beneficiaries of the ASAA (Aide spécifique allocation annuelle) of the Crous de Paris, Créteil or Versailles of the academic year of reference;

– enrolled in a Parisian or Ile-de-France higher education institution;

– holders of a lease for private housing in Paris, signed between April 1, 2019, and March 31, 2020.

This lease may be a standard lease (law of 1989) or a sublease contract for social housing (Article L442-8-1-II of the French Construction and Housing Code), or a lease for furnished Parisian housing governed by Articles L632-1 et seq. of the French Construction and Housing Code.

– A.I.L.E.-eligible students in shared accommodation must appear on the lease to benefit from the aid.


– (Future) student tenants in university residences are not eligible for the WING.

– The A.I.L.E. is paid only once per student during the entire period of study.


Download the 2019-2020 registration form and return it complete with the following documents:

– a copy of the lease in the student’s name, this lease must be signed between April 1, 2019, and March 31, 2020, inclusive;

– a copy of a proof of address of your choice (EDF, GDF, fixed telephone bill, insurance contract) in the name of the student;

– a RIB in the name of the student.

Send to the following e-mail address the above-mentioned scanned documents:


The complete and valid files that reach the Crous by April 30 of each year at the latest will be processed and will give rise to the payment of the aid subject to available credits. Any file submitted after the deadline will be refused.

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