Work as a pharmacist with a foreign degree in France

Photo de Karolina Grabowska provenant de Pexels

If you have a degree in Pharmacy from a university outside the European Union or the European Free Trade Association, you want to work as a pharmacist in France.

You need to obtain the French state diploma in Pharmacy. To get it, you need to pass the test provided by the PACES (Première Année Commune aux Études de Santé /First-Year Common Curriculum in Health)

To apply to the PACES test, you need to send all the documents below:

– Your high school diploma or GCE-A levels diploma translated and certified by a sworn translator;

– Your diploma in Pharmacy translated and certified by a sworn translator;

– A detailed description of courses and an official academic transcript of your years at the University of Pharmacy, if possible;

– A letter explaining the reasons for your request;

– All useful documents to your application (Visa documents, other declarations);

– According to your choice of University, send a stamped envelope with your name and the address where you will be sure to receive your mail, and you will be able to receive the response to your application.

Your PACES application file must be sent to one of the 24 Pharmacy Faculties in France.

If you are selected as capable by the PACES test, you can apply to the MENESR (Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research / Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche) –  to be released from the university academic years in Pharmacy (until the 4th year = DFASP1)

Attention – You must :

  • Complete your 5th year of Pharmacy School – DFASP2
  • Complete a degree in the 3rd cycle following your domain of specialization
  • And complete a PhD


If you fail in your Pharmacy degree in France, you can’t work as a pharmacist in France.

You can also follow the Pharmacy preparation studies. You have to take the test “Professional Preparation Brevet,” and it can be completed in two years of study.